The Enchanted Life
Women's Community Membership
Transform feeling like you are not enough, build a strong foundation of self confidence and cultivate joy and enchantment from within yourSelf as a fully embodied woman!
Are you ready?
I know you have big dreams and desires in your heart.
But, I also know you often get in your own way...
You put the brakes on in your life with self sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck, constantly questioning your path and continuously putting yourself down for not feeling like you are good enough, smart enough, or doing enough.
But trust me, no amount of doing more is going to solve your problem.
What you need is to practice BEING.
Being who you truly are as a fully expressed and embodied woman, living life in the now moment and going all the way in to fully trusting yourself. And, yes this is POSSIBLE for you!
You may already be doubting this as you read it, yet a part of you knows and believes this to be true!
Are you too afraid to take ownership of this and fully step into your enchantment?
If so...
Let's change that!
Imagine being part of a community that...
Supports listening and encourages you to BE seen, heard and expressed in how you feel
Helps you transform self-consciousness, fear and negative beliefs to a strong foundation of worthiness in all that you do
Makes it easy to feel kinship and sisterhood (even in your first meeting!) to transform loneliness
Consistently anchors you in your embodied Self to support present moment abundance versus past or future focused scarcity - let go of DOING more to feel enough!
Helps you find clarity and connection within yourSelf instead of having to grasp to the outside world for all your answers
Expands your capacity of what is possible and helps you feel your future potential
Connects you to the knowing that you are interconnected with all of life, that you have so much support and to let go of needing to control everything
Supports you in knowing how to guide your life to bring grounded peace and enchantment to your everyday!
And so much MORE!
That's the power of intentional community!
To truly step into the leader I know you are, you need community, heart-centered support and a space that accelerates your path towards letting go of fear, self-consciousness and developing your sense of full-bodied trust.
Trust me, for 8 years I was running a business where I felt I was constantly unsure of the decisions I was making. I would look outside of me for all the answers and when I made decisions it was still from a place of uncertainty and hesitation.
I have used the practices I now teach for the past 4+ years to help me reconnect with my body, stabilize my nervous system and be guided back home inside of me. These practices have transformed the way I show up and the level of self-confidence I have in my life and fully step into my new coaching practice with full bodied commitment. I have helped a multitude of women use these practices to support them in living from the inside-out, coming back home to who they are and living with more enjoyment and enchantment in their days.
This is the place of nourishment and long-lasting fulfillment.
Hi, I'm Cass!
Want to join us?
The Enchanted Life
Women's Community Membership
What you will receive...
1. Group embodiment classes
3X Month Live on Zoom - 90 mins Wed 6-730PM EST
Embodiment practices taught weekly and practiced in the moment to get you out of your head!
Heart-Centered space to share and practice being witnessed
Group sharing, real time support and laser coaching
2. Tao Healing Hands: Soul Based Blessing
1X Month Live on Zoom
Light blessing at the soul level for any system, organ, relationship or transformation you are seeking!
3. Unlimited WhatsApp Support
Group support for any questions, curiosities and challenges that come up throughout the weeks for off call support (M-F 10-6PM EST)
4. Weekly reflections, journal prompts and meditations
To encourage your practice throughout the week and keep tuning into your body and bringing enchanted moments throughout your week to inspire your new way of living!
The Enchanted Life
Women's Community Membership
*Minimum 3 month commitment required*
The Yearlong Experience
Are you ready to unlock your next level of transformation?